Take the Pledge

The Positivity Pledge: 31 Days To Put Some Good Into The World

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Take the pledge.

Week 1

Nutrition &

Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


The Positivity Pledge is a program of Erika's Lighthouse

Partnerships that Give Voice

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Erika’s Lighthouse’s partnerships with SADD Nation and Key Clubs allow them to take The Positivity Pledge during Mental Health Awareness Month to impact their school communities nationwide!

Key Club logo

Did you know...

Healthy lifestyle choices can alleviate symptoms of depression. These include physical activity, good nutrition, and adequate sleep.

Creative expression, like writing, painting, or trying a new recipe, can improve your overall well-being.

Positive thinking can help you reduce stress, lower your risk of depression, and improve your coping skills.

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The Positivity Pledge makes mental health empowerment fun!

With Themed Weeks Focused On Nutrition And Mindfulness Along With A New Challenge Each Day Including #Sharesunday, #Mentalhealthmonday, #Winningwednesday, And #Familyfriendsfriday.

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Nutrition & Well-Being

April 30: Post Something on Social Media

  • Share that you’ve taken the Positivity Pledge with friends & family and encourage them to join you!

May 1: Learn about the connection between Mental Health & Nutrition

May 2: Prepare a healthy meal for your family/friends

  • Check out these recipes.
    • Plan a healthy meal for your family and if possible, prepare and cook.
    • Share recipes with your family and friends you can all enjoy together.
    • Find a local, healthy restaurant you can support for dinner.
    • Order dinner from a local, healthy restaurant and have it delivered to friends or family.

May 3: Find a healthy stress reliever

  • Make a Stress Ball to maintain your stress level and stay balanced. Instructions here.
  • Consider meditation, breathing exercises or other activities that may help.
  • Take a walk, sit outside.


May 4: Share your progress!

  • Post a social media update for your friends and family on your progress with the Positivity Pledge!
  • Share with your family and friends what you are grateful for to kick off gratitude week.
  • Make sure to tag Erika’s Lighthouse!

May 5: Identify your trusted friends, family, adults

  • Write down 3 trusted family members, friends or adults you could go to if you were feeling down and needed help. Thank them!
  • Tag them on social media to boost their spirits and know you care.

May 6: Make a list of who/what you are grateful for

  • Create a vision board of all the things you are looking forward to in the coming months.
    Get started here.
  • Start a Gratitude Jar or Gratitude Journal and see if you can do it for the entire month!
    Read more here.

May 7: Show your gratitude

  • Offer to help a friend, family member, or an elderly neighbor.
  • Complete a Positivity BINGO this month!

May 8: Make a list of traits you love about yourself

  • Think about what you love about yourself and write them down. They can be about your personality, appearance, morals and ethics, beliefs or anything! Nothing is too small to appreciate.

May 9: Make a connection

  • Set up a video chat with family or friends while eating, playing a game, or watching a show and feel like you are together.
  • Reach out to an extrovert that may be struggling right now.

May 10: Make a list of the traits you love about someone else

  • Think about what you love about someone else and write it down! It can be about their personality, appearance, morals and ethics, beliefs or anything! Nothing is too small to appreciate. Consider sharing it with them.


May 11: Remind folks about your pledge!

  • Post a social media update for your friends and family on your progress with the Positivity Pledge!
  • Post on social media about your pledge.
  • Make sure to tag Erika’s Lighthouse!

May 12: Learn about the connection between exercise & mental health

  • Share on social media 2-3 ways to improve your mental health.
  • Ask your friends how they do it!

May 13: Exercise

May 14: Move and do some good

  • If the weather is cooperating, take a walk while picking up trash. Make sure to wear gloves and bring a bag to collect the trash.
  • Take a mindfulness walk.

May 15: Exercise

  • Create a playlist of 10 songs or more that get you motivated to be active and ask your friends and family to add to it!
  • Take a mindfulness walk.

May 16: Play a Game

  • Play a game that doesn’t include technology: puzzles, card games, board games.
  • Play a round or more of Charades with your family or friends.

May 17: Exercise

  • Start a new healthy habit for the future.
  • Take a mindfulness walk.


May 18: Send out positive messages

  • Share a positive message with 5 different friends via phone, text, email, or social media.
  • Complete a Positivity BINGO this week!
  • Collect your favorite memes from online and send them out by tagging friends.

May 19: Learn about other’s mental health

  • Share on social media 2-3 ways to improve your mental health.
  • Ask your friends how they do it!

May 20: Find a relaxing activity

  • Go on a virtual tour of a museum or national park.
  • Grab some colored pencils and choose a teenage coloring page! Check them out here.
  • Listen to relaxing music.

May 21: Perform kindness

  • Spread goodness through five random acts of kindness online, at school or with neighbors.
  • Send random gift cards, flowers or other special treats to people you love.

May 22: Self-Reflect

  • Stress is normal, but too much stress increases the risk for health problems like depression. Name 4 things that can cause stress and how you can avoid them!
    • Explain how you know you are stressed. How do you experience it in your body?
    • Why is it important to be aware of your own personal stress indicators?
    • After naming 4 things that caused stress, list 4 ways to avoid or reduce stress in your life.

May 23: Reach out to someone in need

May 24: Meditate and chill

  • Download a relaxation or meditation app such as Headspace, Calm, Colorfy or Stop, Breathe & Think, and try it out as a healthy coping strategy. Read about it here.


May 25: Share a recap

  • Send a recap to your family and friends about how the Positivity Pledge changed your outlook!
  • Identify three activities you are going to try to make part of your routine.

May 26: Reflect & Change

  • Consider your experience with the Positivity Pledge.
  • Are there any things you learned or did in the Pledge that you want to incorporate year round to always take care of your mental health?

May 27: You did a great job! Relax and take some time to yourself!

  • Choose something relaxing today and enjoy some time for yourself.

May 28: Write it down

  • Write down 3 things you found helpful from this pledge.
  • What is something you can do more often that brought you joy?

May 29: Make a list

  • Reflect on the activities that make you feel happy.
  • Make a list of the activities that you enjoy doing.
  • Think of prioritizing these in your schedule as often as you can.

May 30: Post about your experience taking the pledge on Social Media

  • Share the best parts of the Positivity Pledge.
  • Encourage your friends to take care of their mental health everyday.

May 31: Find a relaxing activity and focus on me-time

  • Work on creating a photo book — it could be related to a time period, age, or theme.
  • Have fun making play dough. You can even add essential oils to make aromatherapy dough! Check out recipes here.
  • Pop some popcorn and watch your favorite movie.
  • Write a journal entry.